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Friday, August 31, 2007

August 26, 2007 "Living Life out of the Gospel Coffee Cup"


Experiencing the full power of the gospel through your life.
John 20:19-22

Why in the world do we come to church, gather ourselves as members for meetings and eat food together.

In your hand you have a few coffee beans. Each person who names Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior has been given certain gifts and abilities. In fact, I am fairly sure that each of us possesses numerous gifts, abilities and talents.

Let me review something I preached a couple of years ago.

Everyone is born with natural talents. These are the innate capacities of aptitude- how smart you are; your bent toward certain likes and dislikes; and the endowment of particular physical capabilities. Let’s face it: some are smarter than others; some like things others are so fond of; and some can jump higher and run faster.

Everyone has learned abilities. These are the skills that we have developed because of our childhood upbringing. Some of you know how to milk cows; I have never milked a cow. Some of you know how to take a motor apart and put it back together again; I have a hard enough time changing spark plugs. Some of us know how to shingle, shake and roll a roof; many of you wouldn’t be caught dead on a rooftop.

Then there are spiritual gifts that the Holy Spirit chooses to give to us. Some are gifted with healing, helping others, doing church administration and an assortment of gifts as the Spirit deems necessary for the body of Christ to minister.

I want to add a fourth: Appointed Ministers. These are those appointed, first by God and then affirmed by the Church, to particular ministry duties. Some are called to be apostles, prophets, pastors and teachers. These have to do with God’s calling to a certain ministry over the talents, abilities and spiritual gifts that they may already possess. To be a pastor or teacher is not about the gift as much as it has to do with the call.

Here’s the skinny: you are a minister and my goal today is convince each one of us of the value of ministry. We are in this together and we need to get together and be about the business of our heavenly Father.

Jesus clearly understood his mission on earth. He realized early on that he had to be about his Father’s business. And, finally, at the age of 33 he breathed his last on the cross: mission completed.

But yet, Jesus mission was not completed. There was a lot of unfinished business on earth that the Father needed to have accomplished. Have you ever wondered why Jesus did not live forever and get all the work done in healing and changing lives? That is where you come in.

Jesus does live forever and is getting the work done in healing and changing lives. That is why we exist as a church: to heal and change lives. His mission now becomes our mission.

I would like us to notice some important aspects of your ministry within this church that parallels the disciples in those early days of the Church.

1. Ministering with Peace over Fear.

They were afraid. But Jesus, twice, says “Peace be with you!” They were scared for their life.

This peace that Jesus spoke was not simply a greeting from a friend to another friend. This was a peace that echoed the “Shalom” peace that recalled the grand vision throughout the Old Testament of the salvation and restoration of Israel. Furthermore, this peace that Jesus speaks of is to remind them that he is the giver of peace. Earlier, the Apostle John relates to them what Jesus said in 14:27- “My peace I give you… do not be afraid.”

But how many of us are afraid of life? Of the unknown? Of ministry? Of stepping out by faith? Of obeying the Holy Spirit?

Let me make a few suggestions for you to have peace over fear when you reach out and love someone.

a. Accept the peace that Jesus offers.

The peace Jesus offers is not the kind of peace the world gives. What kind of peace is that? A peace that is earned. A compromising peace: you do this, we’ll do that. The world’s kind of peace is really unrest. They are “…like the tossing sea,” Isaiah 57:20 says, “which cannot rest, whose waves cast up mire and mud.”

b. Access peace through the Holy Spirit.

What is more, the blessed Holy Spirit fills us with this peace. Peace is not a frame of mind nor is it an attitude. This kind of peace is the fruit of the inner Spirit. This kind of peace stirs up, not mire and mud, but blessings to you and to those whose lives you touch by your inner, Holy Spirit filled peacefulness.

c. Abide in peace with your Heavenly Father.

This peace Jesus gives was the result of him bearing our punishment on the cross. (Isaiah 53:5) Job 22:21 reminds us of these words: “Submit to God and be at peace with him; in this way prosperity will come to you.”

The peaceful person who lives above fear abides in peace with God. The result is untold blessings as God the Father works in and through your life.

For our context today, God is calling on us to realize his peace as we reach out into the lives of other people. This ministry should be ruled- not by fear of what others may say or who might oppose- but be ruled by the peace that overcomes fear.

Have you ever been afraid to say something righteous? You don’t need to be afraid. Have you ever been tongue-tied when you attempted to witness to someone? Have no fear. Allow the peace of Christ to rule in your heart since you were called to peace. (Colossians 3:15)

Not only does Jesus speak of peace but he breathes power into the lives of those he is sending.

2. Reaching with Power over Weakness.
There is nothing worse as an employee than to be sent to work without the proper equipment. There is nothing worse than to try and work on a car without the right tools. There is nothing worse than to try and lead people to Christ without power.

Imagine if Jesus told these guys: “Peace be with you. I am leaving in a few days, so good luck to you in carrying out all that I taught you.” Are you kidding?

These guys were weak. These guys were sacred. These guys were hiding. These guys were wanted- dead or alive. And then Jesus breathes on them to receive the Holy Spirit. This breath is his power and it is the same power that breathes through our lives as it has been passed down from the apostles, through the hearts of believers for some 2000 years and into our hearts this morning. “I’ve got the power” is more than a song but a reality for you today.

So how does this work?

a. We have the power of the Holy Spirit.

I like Ephesians 1:19-20- We must realize the Holy Spirit’s “...incomparable power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his might strength which he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead.” The same power that raised Christ from the dead is the same power that raises us to new life.

Whatever your weakness or fear, God the Holy Spirit is there to work miracles through your life. You no longer are weak but strong through him.

b. We have the power of prayer.

There is nothing like the power of prayer. I’m not talking about some kind of comfort we get from knowing that people are praying but I am talking about the kind of praying that sees prayers answered. People are saved, problems are solved and Jesus is glorified.

c. We have the power of blessing others.

Our prayer life should be blessing other people. Too often we easily get caught up in praying for our own personal miracles rather than praying for miracles for other people. When we pray, we must pray for the deliverance of others.

d. We have the power to set prisoner free.

Jesus call to ministry is our call to ministry. Don’t think for a moment that our call as a church or as people is just to warm the pew and sing heart-warming songs. Our call is one of power to rescue people from drug abuse, broken marriages and their slavery to sin.

This denomination was built on rescuing black people from slavery. Today, this church has a part in rescuing Mexican people from the slavery of sin and abuses. Today, we have a responsibility to not only reach them but to reach anyone in our ministry circle in our community.

If we don’t who will?

e. There’s power in the blood of Jesus!

This power that is ours is through the blood of Jesus Christ. There is no other or greater authority than the shed blood of Christ. This blood saves you and me and others from our sins. This blood gives us access to the throne of grace. This blood sprinkles our consciences and cleanses our hearts. This blood opens the door for the Holy Spirit to move in and through our lives. This blood empowers us to set the prisoners free, the give food to the hungry and clothes to the naked. There is power in the blood!!

Not only does Jesus give peace over fear and power over weakness, but we can now…

3. Experience Passion over Apathy.

If we are going to truly be a church with a “Grande Passion for Jesus, Others and You!” then we need to exhibit a passion that gives us delight in seeing God move and work.

Too many Christians are apathetic Christians. What do I mean?

Let me ask you this: Do we care enough to make a difference?

Do you care enough to allow the Holy Spirit to take over your entire life? Your finances? Your motives? Your everyday living? Your attitudes about other people? Your hopes and dreams?

If we are to experience passion over apathy, what does this kind of passion look like?

a. It isn’t about you.
Following Jesus does not mean that your wildest dreams will come true. Following Jesus does not mean that life will be comfortable and cozy. In fact, following Jesus may bring the opposite.

But it isn’t about me or you…

b. It’s all about God.

God knows the plans he has for us as a Church. We may have missed out on some of his plans already… I don’t know. But starting today, we can determine as a body of believers that we will make our lives and this ministry all about God. Why? Because this church belongs to his Son. Jesus paid the price that could not be paid to redeem us. We now belong to God, this Church is his and whatever he decides to do with it.

I do have a sneaking suspicion of what God wants to do with this church.

c. It’s reaching the lost.

He wants us reaching the lost. This needs to become a priority. This needs to be the ministry work of everyone here- not just the pastors and a few others.

So how do with do this?

Conclusion- We make a difference TOGETHER.

In order for us to make a difference means that we will make that difference together. You cannot enjoy the essence of ministry unless you are in the ministry with everyone else and ministering in unison with the heart-beat of God and God’s people.

Your few coffee beans won’t make much difference for anyone else. You can enjoy them, but put them together with others and see a “holy brew” take place. This calls for you and to crawl out of the gospel cup and see the world around us and see each other through the lenses of the cross.

Your teaspoon of coffee beans will make approximately one cup of coffee. I know, I make coffee by the pot and by the cup. However, put your coffee beans together and see what happens.

The more coffee you make, the fewer beans you need per cup. Why? Because the beans are doing something together and when God’s people get together, work together and bring people to Christ together, there is a multiplicity of ministry.

In other words, together we make a holy brew.

I have on this table a coffee grinder. What God desires for us to do, is take our few talents, abilities, gifts and callings, and put them together with everyone else. Grind them up and allow him to brew through us his will for ministry.

The result? Not just rich, wonderful smelling coffee, but a sacrificial aroma that pleases God.

How about it? Are you willing to allow our God to use you through this church ministry in reaching our community for Jesus Christ?

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